The belief in the organic vitality and spirituality of the natural world

An economical vision

Today redemption is the act of exchanging bonds, shares, etc. for money: They say the bonds will be redeemed at 100% of their principal amount, plus interest to the redemption date...

It is the act of exchanging shares or bonds for cash:
Redemptions made by telephone for shares recently purchased by check will not be honored unless the check has cleared.
For redemptions of $50,000 or more, you must include a signature guarantee for each owner.

redemption requests/orders/penalties
redemption proceeds/fees/yields
make/request/submit a redemption
You may request a redemption or an exchange by calling our Shareholder Service Center.

Redemption and proceeds (profits) - other beliefs and practices

the act, process, or an instance of  redeeming



Somehow the question arises whether we are willing to learn at all.
Again and again we shift our own responsibility onto someone else.
Again and again, someone or something is supposed to bail us out.
We are (have been) always fixed that the solution does not lie in ourselves, but is regulated by other powers.

A constant keeping down of the individual.
A constant production of victims.
And a constant assurance that there is a top and a bottom in the power hierarchy.

So how do we get out of the victim mindset? The answer seems simple: by making our own decisions. By bringing the responsibility back to ourselves.
In order to make decisions, however, we must not only have enough self-awareness and free will, but also enough knowledge. Because a decision is always a weighing up of information that is available to us.

The question now is:
Do we have enough information available today to guarantee this necessary basis?
