THE WORLD IS DISENCHANTED - don`t let this be true
The question of the world can not be detached from the question of the subject
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The genesis of a void, that can be a short and precise formula that decribes the current situation. It is this emptiness of the ego. Since some time the hypothesis of the "I" has got cracks. And we all know by now that even the last ignoramus is challenged.
But still we stuck.
You have to change your life! But who could say this to whom?

Manuela Johanna Covini



Our modern psyche is in the meanwhile organized in such a way that we would not allow anymore any authority to say to us that we have to do something. But some things have to be done, have to be changed.



There has existed a considerable amount of narratives, and yet the understandings of the whole period modernity is a sad error.

The promise of progress and prosperity has forced homogeneity. The promise has become a generalized but unvaried historical canon.
As a result, it seems impossible to grasp and comprehend the multiple and complex turns throughout this historical period.
But do we really have to waste time anaylizing this Gordian knot, trying to grasp some of those threads.
We will miss these hours and we will have only this one life available despite vaccinations.
So what is a good and right life, how do I fill the years, the hours, the moments.
I already managed to synchronize my life with the world. Now I try to escape it. 


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Max Weber summarized with the concept of the disenchantment of the world a development resulting from the increasing intellectualization and rationalization. But one should have known that what the sciences produced is just as poetic and just as enchanting as any works of art. There is no difference between art and science. The separation between science and art is unnecessary, because it is always and exclusively about a productive, intellectual activity. Even the separation between emotional and rational makes no sense anymore, because just the serious examination of facts requires even the examination of contrasts, of contradictions, of patterns and repetitions.

