but reality is a promise to the future

(click here to promise 1)

Manuela Johanna Covini

"Some say reality is what appears to our five senses.
But some others say we could tweak the definition by equating reality
with what appears to a sufficiently large group of people,
thereby ruling out subjective hallucinations."

          subjective hallucinations

          These are images generated by algorithms. A strange and dangerous beauty.
          To visualize or to formulate my questions in this project I will additionally use
          images which are created by algorithms. They allow me to prove my fears and
          anxieties of the near future, to make the gloom of the future visible.
          Artificial Intelligence can show us very concrete image in a disconcerting beauty.

          The beauty is the fatal thing.

And later I did not want to talk more about reality and illusion...
click here