program and participants

Juanpablo Avendaño Avila (Juanpablo Junto)

artist, Mexico City                              

What is an oracle but a drawing or a walk in the air     

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One page, window, monitor, observatory

But also a page to make notes

intervene in the landscape, compose a drawing

above the landscape that is being seen on air

superimposing a personal affective experiment

with this element of nature, of the earth: a volcano

that is incandescent, alive and exhaling

The Popocatépetl (in Nahuatl: Popōcatepētl, ‘the hill that smokes’,

popōca' smoke '; tepētl,' hill’) is an active volcano

located in central Mexico. And it is located about 72 km

southeast of Mexico City.

24 years ago, in the early morning of December 21, 1994, Popocatepetl "woke up."

The first ash emission was produced in 70 years, since then to date it has a high activity.

Exhalations of smoke or steam and visible incandescence at night are everyday things.

Eruptions, of varying magnitude, have so far been separated, for much longer time,

from each other.

The piece is made up of: a computer with keyboard,

mouse, speakers, and internet connection.

On the screen you can see a video, a landscape,

It's a volcano

There is also local time (GMT-5)

This is enough to perceive that we are in front of a live broadcast:

One that looks towards a volcano

And the volcano looks alive

On the screen we also see

animated graphic elements (gifs)

fulfilling cycles (loops, loops).

The public when walking and trying to activate something with their mouse

you will find that you can move these graphics, make your own composition,

It is also expected that each audience can write

It is a place (website) that proposes a personal composition,

graphic and written with the landscape,

with time and what is happening

Every day, hour, minute is very different from the previous one.

There are very cloudy, bright days, clear days, windy days,

or superficially calm. In any case, the moment and the force

with which the volcano will manifest is unpredictable.

The amount of things that happen in this window is amazing:

birds that cross, stars, the music of the town, the church bells ...

but without a doubt, of the most overwhelming things, are the bright things

that get to get into the crater, some arrive like flying,

others as falling from the top of the sky.

The experience itself inevitably pushes us to want to take a screenshot.

Some banner on the page, it will have to invite users to place a hashtag,

for if they will take a decision to share a personal post (the omen,

the message, the trace on screen).

   Juanpablo Avendaño Avila (Juanpablo Junto)