Das Argument

EINE KLEINE ÜBUNG / A small exercise

Title: Orientation als Übung, March 17, 2021
Manuela Johanna Covini

In die Luft starren...

Why do we stare holes in the air while thinking. Arthur Glenberg of the University of Wisconsin in Madison found in 1998 that the more difficult the task they were given, the more often adults averted their gaze. Even schoolchildren have mastered the concentration trick. Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon from the University of Stirling and her colleagues discovered that even eight-year-olds stare into the air when they are asked to answer difficult questions. If they were required to look at their counterparts while thinking, they performed worse on the achievement test.

Wohin wir also den Blick richten sollten...

...denn der Blick ins Leere steigert die Qualität des Ergebnisses entscheidend.


Title: Den Blick abwenden, April 2, 2021
Manuela Johanna Covini

Some text..

Das Sternbild TRIANGULUM / Dreieck ist ein kleines Sternbild am nördlichen Fixsternhimmel. Abends ist es von September bis März südlich des Sternbilds Andromeda zu sehen. Sein Name ist lateinisch für "Dreieck", abgeleitet von seinen drei hellsten Sternen, die ein langes und schmales Dreieck bilden.Triangulum war den alten Babyloniern und Griechen bekannt und war eines der 48 Sternbilder, die von dem Astronomen Ptolemäus aufgelistet sind.

The constellation Triangle is a small constellation in the northern fixed star sky. It can be seen in the evening from September to March south of the constellation Andromeda. Its name is Latin for "triangle", derived from its three brightest stars, which form a long and narrow triangle. Known to the ancient Babylonians and Greeks, Triangulum was one of the 48 constellations listed by the astronomer Ptolemy.


Schlussfolgerung / inference

Wie atmet es sich hinter der Maske?

Manuela Johanna Covini

The term mask entered the German language via the French and Italian forms (masque, masca) of the Arabic word maskharat and means fool, farce, joke.

The product of ancient or later crafts called "mask" is defined as a face vertically separated from the head, which proves to be artificial by its rigid expression, exaggerated facial expressions and unnatural features. Unlike protomes and busts, masks do not specify the neck or torso. The chin or the end of the beard form the lower end.

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