Tom Dransfeld

The wooden pitch


An inlay (via Italian intarsiare, "to lay in", from the synonymous Arabic verbal noun Arabic ترصيع, DMG tarṣīʿ) is a decorative technique in which various woods and other materials are laid in or against each other on a flat surface in such a way as to create a flat surface containing inclusions of different colours and textures. If the inlays are rather ornaments, one speaks of wood mosaic.


Tom Dransfeld has been working for years with found wood that he finds in the streets of Berlin.

Now you might think that it's lost boards that you have in front of your head. That is somehow true. Our ways of looking at things are limited.

The Game:

Tom Dransfeld:  " Art to me is about creating something from nothing or reimagining what was and through slight adjustments creating a new vision. Art is both of these and you can see how that is possible. Massage is harder to imagine but you are taking two creations, two people and reimagining how they can interact and communicate through touch. The board in front of your face is slowly being pulled to the side in order for you to see the possibilities on the other side."