The gambling man
has gambled away everything:
planet, his own identity, his future and
above all his ability to imagine his
Now it is time
to think of the future: unlearn the
Experience the world beyond
rules, formulas, numbers and codes
How it all
In his letters
"On the Aesthetic Education of Man",
Friedrich Schiller already emphasised
the importance of play and spoke out
against the specialisation and
mechanisation of life's processes.
Later, Herbert Marcuse, in his 1967
work "One-Dimensional Man", also
criticised the predominance of
"instrumental reason" in industrial
societies and the accompanying
restriction of lifestyle and culture,
which no longer leaves room for
wholeness, personality development and
autonomous self-development.
The subject of alienation then became more and more explosive among thinkers and only now are we slowly realising the consequences of this process in our daily lives.