Jill Daniels

Breathing Still 2020,

10' 30"

video: https://vimeo.com/398485823

A poetic catalyst for action, Breathing Still 2020 reflects on our dark times through stills, found footage and revolutionary song. Daniels' voiced flaneuse roams Berlin streets, memorials and demonstrations, contemplating the rise of nationalism past and present.
Jill`s Film ist ein poetischer Kataylsator für Aktion. Breathing Still 2020 reflektiert unsere dunklen Zeiten durch Filmstills, found footage und fast schon vergessene revolutionäre Lieder. Eine Stimme durchstreift Berlins Straßen, Denkmäler und Demonstrationen und erinnert an den Mord an Rosa Luxemburg vor 100 Jahren.

        Hannah Arendt:


We were told to forget;

and we forgot quicker than anyone could imagine;

After so much bad luck we want a course as sure as a gun



                      Jill Daniels

"On Rosa Luxemburg"

Sunday, 21.06. 2020: 14h
My view: As a socialist-feminist artist I support Rosa's ideas that see the end of capitalism as a goal and assesses the tactics at any given moment to get to the goal. In the era of Covid –19, when we are all locked down, technology becomes super important in creating links and relationships for action when the virus is defeated. The capitalist economy will then be in worse recession than the 1930s and history tells us that the danger of extreme nationalism and fascism will strengthen. The development of grass-roots organisations for action are important. I support the creation of Soviets (grass-roots councils); power belongs to them; leaders at all levels may be removed. This is why groups like Omas gegen Rechts in Germany and elsewhere are crucial.

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