The Artists (fluid forces)

                           Arjan Guerrero
                                              videolecture: The New New New World Arhive

                                           see a trace of it

             Astrid Menze
                                                 Gerardo Santamarina
                                                                                          Guadalupe Aguilar
        Herbert Liffers
                                                       Jill Daniels
                                                           videolecture: On Rosa Luxemburg

                     Manuela Johanna Covini                   
 workshop: Das Limit der Sprache

                                      Miguel Pedroza Ochoa
                                                     videolecture: La Piedra de Si
Tanja-Bianca Schmidt

            zoom conference 1: Three phases of activism

           zoom conference 2: Heroes


Objekt und Kraft   
                           objects and forces:
  Falling objects eventually reach terminal velocity – where their resultant force is zero.
Stopping distances depend on speed, mass, road surface and reaction time.

The forces involved in bioadhesion to flat surfaces and particles. Their determination and relative roles

The Forces Involved in Flight

Forces, acceleration and Newton's laws - AQA

A lot of different things that fly, some of them in nature and others that are man-made. Each of them use the same set of forces to help them
get off the ground and into the air.

 fly away...