Miguel Pedroza

Harri Malgu / Piedra de sí

          a Stone                                                  
the gesture of lifting a stone
          the necessary strength to lift it
          the strength of the gesture

          Harri Malgu / Piedra de Sí
                                                                                          pdf: https://egiar.org/zka-no/1-12-2016/

Samstag/saturday, 20.06.2020

zoom talk:
La piedra de Sí
Miguel Pedroza Ochoa

about the meaning of gesture. Q&A
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Meeting ID:   931 710 9036
Passwort: 2XD2aQ

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The gesture of lifting a stone can be before and after the Boom. Before if the stone is a projectile, a weapon. Posterior if there was a catastrophe: the stone is lifted after the earthquake, the rescue. Both moments are critical. The copper sheet thunders, breaks the paint by the Boom of the weight of a stone that fell and that will fall again: Sisyphus.


The intensity that leads to the project -Arr, arises from the image of the basque stone lifter. The concern for this gesture has generated a series of relationships, both plastic and symbolic, that have operated initially from intuition.

Reviewing files of photographers such as Indalecio Ojanguren, Pepe Gil and Iñaki Porto, it resulted in the doubt and in a way of solving what is disturbing on that gesture.

The stone is raised, and oneself is the pedestal...



The weight of the Stone shown on the pictures is renewed by the sculptural gesture. The sheet folds by its weight, which the observer can calculate. The paint of the sheet bursts while the harrijastozaile or Stone lifter remains standing.

Lifting a dead weight has a mythical dimension, essential.




                                                                                 Faith stone

                                                                                 Divide it up


                                                                                 Transform it into the verb so that it is solid around

                                                                                 Blessed be amumARR*

                                                                                 Eternal understanding

                                                                                 *AmumARR_Mother stone, Mother eternal


Serie Harri Malgu/Piedra de si .4
Lamina de cobre, impresion en papel y pintura automotiva

32x37 x14cm Fotografía de Fot. Gar, 1956