The First Fence

( boundaries of absurdity Nr. 2 )

The invention of Modernity

The socialization of people led to people comparing themselves with each other, which led to envy and resentment, gloating and arrogance, more appearance than reality, and conflicts of interest. And so on. But the idea of the "noble savage" was rejected by his contemporaries, especially since man was by nature burdened with original sin.

The first Fence

The first man who surrounded a piece of land with a fence and had the idea of 
saying "This is mine" and who found people simple-minded enough to believe him, 
was the real founder of civil society. Howe many crimes, wars, murders, how 
much misery and horror would the human race have been spared if someone had 
pulled out the stakes and shouted to his fellow men:

Beware of believing the deceiver, you are lost if you forget that while the fruits 
belong to everyone, the earth belong to no one.
   J.J.Rousseau, Discours sur l′inégalité, 

So the idea of great change has always been illusory. All problems we face today come from unleashed greed for life. The urge to survive is the driving force of evolution. Human beings to survive, we have a whole cascade of defense mechanisms in our immune system. This normally runs automatically.
Now the question is how the earth defends itself against us.
But back to Jean Jacques Rousseau.