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                                                 Dr. Manuel Clemens  

Das Labyrinth der ästhetischen Einsamkeit: eine kleine Theorie der Bildung
The labyrinth of aesthetic solitude: a small theory of education

Publisher's Synopsis:

Discomfort in aesthetics results from aesthetic moments that reveal only pure aesthetics and thus insufficient transitions into life. If aesthetics is to intervene in the social, then at some point art must also go beyond art. The experience from the aesthetic enclave should be maintained, but its narrowing to pure beauty and purposelessness must be ended and contextualized. The counter concept to aesthetics is life. However, this is not about the concept of art or life as such, but about what takes place between these two poles. These two different moments are looking for a transition and access to each other. Until this is found, we will understand this in-between space as the place of an aesthetic loneliness because of its unsuccessfulness, and because it is difficult for most of the thinkers we have consulted to get out there, we consider this loneliness as a labyrinth.ästhetischen-Einsamkeit-Literaturwissenschaft/dp/3826057651