
        σύγχρονος sıngchronos

1.1.  Synchronization of chaos

Synchronization of chaos is a phenomenon in which the behavior of two or more coupled, dissipative, chaotic systems synchronizes. Deterministic chaos occurs when systems depend sensitively on initial conditions
Manuela Johanna Covini



Manuela Johanna Covini


  The Equilibrium Gaia 

The separation of "I" and "world" in the Western tradition extends to the whole of society and its relation to the environment.
According to Fritjof Capra, this results in ecological, social and cultural crises of the present.

The Eastern view of the world is organic. Here, human beings see themselves as part of the whole. Man feels that he belongs to the universe, and all phenomena are interconnected and dynamic through reciprocal relationships.
The eastern world view is based on time and I Ching (change).

The universe is understood as a fundamental unity.

Now I try to get a glimpse of the significance of the vegetal kingdom to human life, consciousness and spirituality. I can relate to that in my garden. Every buzz, every hue, every scent is a personal message to me. Freshly mown grass - smelling that feels like a privilege to me. I really get aware of the life that surrounds me. Living systems are cognitive systems, and the interactions of a living system with its environment are cognitive interactions. The process of living itself is a process of cognition; to live is to know.

Awareness of the environment is a property of cognition at all levels of life. The organizing activity of living systems at all levels of life is mental activity. We are beginning to recognize the creative unfolding of life in forms of ever-increasing diversity and complexity as an inherent characteristic of all living systems. The central focus is on creativity; on life’s constant reaching out into novelty.

Creativity is a key property of all living systems.

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