( a small introduction )
This work is about the limits of our
scientific methods and categories that
struggle to give us a deeper
understanding of the world. Because we
still believe that the layers of reality
can be uncovered through scientific
investigation. We do indeed believe that
reality is an objective truth that we
can measure and categorise. But also
truth is "only" a property. Truth is a
property of statements.
Statements become stories.
stories have different narrative
structures and literary styles.
Clearly, a certain order in the structure of an essay makes sense - but: see full project
Why a website?
It is precisely this rhizome-like
quality that I find in the handling of
webpages. Here it is possible to
interrupt a continuous text again and
again and to link it with other text
passages using hyperlinks.
Things and facts are no longer placed in
relation to each other by sequencing (as
in a continuous text) (which already
demands an initial explanation and thus
entails an initial interpretation:
because which information comes before
another and why). This rhizome-like
placement of information also means that
these fragments of information (things
and facts) are no longer limited to one
meaning (caused by hierarchical order).
Clicking freely through texts can (if
you are willing to remain alert and open
while reading) lead to unexpected "aha"
In this respect, knowledge is created by
the reader or viewer. My intention in
this work is to deal creatively with
fragments of information and to present
these fragments as fragments.
So it has become a work about the theme
resistance that shows what I was looking
for and what new connections have
emerged from it.