Arjan Guerrero
Evolutionary Bursts
arbeitet mit KI
generierten Bildern, die Organismen zeigen, die
ständigen Ausbrüchen der Entfremdung ausgesetzt
sind. Tierische und nicht-tierische Objekte
transformieren sich im Tempo der technologischen
Entwicklung. Das sind keine Kinder der Erde, sondern
eher Versuche, die von unserer Zivilisation bemuttert
'Evolutionary Bursts'
is a video of sudden animations: evolutionary
sequences of AI-generated images displaying several
organisms suffering constant outbreaks of
alienation. These bursts of artificial life resonate
with the accelerating transformation of animal and
non animal objects under the pace of technological
development and implementation. These objects aren't
"Mother Earth's children" but rather samples of the
Earth being mothered by our civilization.
lecture: The New, New,
New World Archive
Arjan Guerrero
Arjan Guerrero will present The New New New World Archive, a novel dataset for Machine Learning comprising several categories of new new new objects from a future world. This dataset will be of public access, so that the New New New World can infiltrate into the sentience of several AIs and propagate its influence on the transformation of the present material world.