exercises for the future


Every crisis has turned fear into a viable trigger for action

                        ...move forward with vigilance...

Sloterdijk speaks again and again of the anthropotechnical turn. His central idea is that man - as a lifelong practitioner - creates himself through practice. Exercise - for Sloterijk is this a compression and condensation of all kinds of religious teachings. Sloterdijk reminds us that people can become aware of their possibilities.

That the individual can grow beyond himself and ultimately succeed in self-optimization - with his own inherent will.


exercise 1: looking and hearing without thinking

Self-optimization - this does not mean the capitalistic, performance-oriented exploitation of oneself, but it describes an alert and conscious work of man on himself - for the improvement of the individual as well as the world.

... being stretched like an insect, still full of vitality, the twitching ...attempts to detach, and yet for generations one sticks to the cross ...the sacred sacrifice one makes to oneself...the comfort zone of capitulation

Manuela Johanna Covini

Manuela Johanna Covini

Manuela Johanna Covini

Manuela Johanna Covini