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It´s all going to get burned!             

The dwarf shouted at him, jumping like a pygmy but not going near the fire

so he would not push her in and roast her all at once.


  (functional and legitimaton crises)

The catastrophe hits us in the state of general anesthesia. But still:

                                                      One can agree on peace
                                                      One can agree on fear

                                      abuot fear

                 The irreconcilability of language and things

          Approaching reality        

    Every crisis has turned fear into a viable trigger for action.
    The occurences shows us: Liberty is not a gesture.
    They say there will be no social solution. And yet it is not
enough to name what comes under your eyes and not to
avoid the conclusion.
                                      A short lecture on storytelling.
is a means for sharing and interpreting experiences....
can be used as a method to teach ethics, values and
cultural norms and differences. Learning is most effective when it
takes place in social environments that provide authentic social cues
about how knowledge is to be applied.


  A short history of reason in the age of delusion begins with some questions:
- Is lack of alternatives an acceptable justification for our liberalism?
- Can we really only keep awake a breeze of the idea of a
good and right life?
- How can we disconnect knowledge from the structures of discourse?
- How can I leave my
comfort zone?

        Manuela Johanna Covini


The western liberal package:

                  -  individualism

                  -  human rights

                  - democracy

                  -  free market

                 -  fear (no one speaks of it officially)


        But as I said in the beginning.
We live in sad days. And the sister of crisis is the tragedy.        

         Adorno speaks of the "doctrine of right living" as a "sad science"