Notes and References

( orientation 2)

Peter Sloterdijk

You Must Change Your Life written by German philosopher Peter Sloterdijk is about the history and philosophy of practice across the planet as well as the development of Anthropotechnics. Originally published in Germany 2009.


The Prignitz

About the location:
The Prignitz in the north-west of Brandenburg, where this small village is located, is one of the most sparsely populated areas in Germany. A lonely landscape with rolling hills, heathland and meadows, small streams and lakes.

From Paradise to Garden to Territory

Some thoughts on the transformation and the dealing with an old right. Inspired by/quoted from from:

Stuart Elden:
The Birth of Territory

Jochen Kleinschmidt: Functions and Consequences of Politcal Borders in World Society
PhD thesis, Munich: Universitätsbibliothek der LMU, published online:

The Invisible Committee: The coming insurrection

James Lovelock:
The Gaia Theory
Fritjof Capra: The Turning Point


Bazon Brock: Lustmarsch durchs Theoriegelände
Professor of Aesthetics and Cultural Mediation, "Thinker on duty", "Artist without work" and art theorist.
Brock is considered a representative of the Fluxus movement.

Jonathan Gómora Alarcón: Interview about the concept of territory
Jonathan Gómora Alcarón is a mexican geographer who teaches in Mexico City

Dr. Manuel Clemens: Some thoughts on Adorno and Schiller

Joseph Beuys: The Social Sculpture

Science and art are about the constant unfolding and development of the establishment of authority and individual authorship. As great Eurpoean achievement  in world history, alongside the authority of the cultures and their obligations, there is also an authority and obligation of the individual.

The question of responsibility
and the pressure to act

Suddenly you are ready, but modernity remains unfinished because society still wants to increase the spectacle?

The New Village

The willingness to outrage has already greatly diminished. The familiar has become alien. Especially in the big city. The big city in the late capitalist social system is the epitome of demarcation, alienation and separation. Its inhabitants are equally disconnected from past and community. They experience, in an unmitigated form, the three fundamental coordinates of existence: finitude, loneliness, and being thrown - this is how the Invisible Committee described in 2007.

The Noble Savage

The socialization of people led to people comparing themselves with each other, which led to envy and resentment, gloating and arrogance, more appearance than reality, and conflicts of interest. And so on. But the idea of the "noble savage" was rejected by his contemporaries, especially since man was by nature burdened with original sin.
So the idea of great change has always been illusory. All problems we face today come from unleashed greed for life. The urge to survive is the driving force of evolution. Human beings to survive, we have a whole cascade of defense mechanisms in our immune system. This normally runs automatically.
Now the question is how the earth defends itself against us.
But back to Jean Jacques Rousseau.

The Self-portrait

The characteristic feature of a self-portrait is that it is created without outside help. And there is a small difference between the self-image, the ideal-image and the view of the others on me.
Western cultural techniques expanded the concept of the self-portrait. Now we are talking about selfies that evaporate in the echoes of the internet.

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