A short introduction:

It is the end of the frivolous life of consumerism. We have seen it. In the pictures of the flood. These vast quantities of things that were carried away by the water and that have now come to lie down somewhere as a brown moraine. Abundance through cheerful debt-making.

But it is not the end of the frivolous way we are informed and thereby manipulated.

New paragraph (updated 25.02.2022)

The New York Times on 25.02.2022 begins with the title: Why Is Putin at War Again? Because He Keeps Winning. It is the end of the frivolous manner of manipulation.
Then you see a picture with soldiers. You see the most of them from behind some from beside. (It's a placeholder photo...surely from stockfootage...)
Below you have a glimpse of a text. With more or less the same content like the title:
There is no world leader today with a better track record when it comes to using military power than President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.

This is a perfect working and functioning propaganda strategy.
Which shows us clearly: There is no interest at all to find a peacefull agreement.
It is a matter of stirring up the people.
And no one has the shame to hide this manipulation anymore.

For reasons of space, I will spare myself the upload of this screenshot. Everyone knows how big newspapers work online.
First they want to grab your email address...and so on. It's this way of dealing with everything. First it's about doing business...with everything.

We have to continue with the idea of changing.

We should continue in this project here, to explore the question of the unfolding and realisation of the small, private Garden of Eden, the little spot of peace, happiness and security, the refuge in the country....

Is this question not more topical than ever today, 26.02.2022. We are at war - not only in Ukraine.

Reflections on the concept of the Noble Savage

Back to 2021: The world has become small and unpleasant. Migration wherever you look and you always think, where I want to go, it will be different. Better. That´s how you want to escape the world. To find the other place.


Listen to Dr. Manuel Clemens on Adorno:



We say we are sitting on the ruins of previous civilisations. But it is more. Our transferences are based on wrong principles. But art and science are always the innovations in a culture, both disciplines are about the otherness. Culture itself is only interested in its preservations. It is about repetition, about ensuring its instability. The survival of a culture is guaranteed by the power of repetition. Repetition is, so to speak, the ritualisied form of begetting liabilities.


In science and art, however, it is exactly the opposite. Here, it is about a permanent unfolding and development of the justification of authority and individual authorship.

Besides the authoroty of cultures and their liabilities, there is therefore also an authority of individuals. Artist: do not let yourself be celebrated as creators of culture, the real heroes of culture are policemen, bakers and rubbish workers. And it is the small impositions of life that have an effect here in the small community. The world relationship to which we align ourselves is not our difference, our ethnicities or our attitudes, no, it is the common problems that unite us here.

The future is oriented towards the common solution of the common problems.

exit to mapping the project only here


This is the idea of a New Village. This is the idea of a Social Sculpture. But art and science are no longer free. So what remains is everyday life.

...and then I met another friend.

scroll further down for some more paragraphs

Some more (short) paragraphs

The uncorrupt man

The archaic torso of Apollo

In his peom, Rilke desrcibes his experience in front of Apollo`s torso as a change of perspective. Something happened.
Written in Paris 1908, the text attempt to let things speak for themselves, to describe man`s immediate experience of his surrounding world. The interpretations are still demanding, nevertheless it seems that the imperative "You must change your life" is not aimed at a transformation of the way of life and it should be not compared with the catalog of religious commandments.
Perhaps that is why it is one of the most famous workd of Rilke. Rather is is an individiual imperative of one`s own life to realize a potential that has not yet been realised.

Peter Sloterdijk chosed this last sentence of the poem as the title for his book published in 2009. Sloterdijk takes this insight to see the condensation and evaporisation of all religious teachings contained in it as instructions for practise, as training to become aware of the vertical tension again. Man is and remain a lifelong practitioner, one who creates/ can create himself in practise.

And history shows it. Many people have managed to grow beyond themselves. Great powers and empires. Delusions of grandeur.
Sloterdijk goes further and analysesthis vertical performance tension as an expressionof an inherent will in the individual for self-optimisation.


And this is a real stress.