Territory - calculating the comfort zone

You can call me multilocalist. And I am not the only one. The city had promised too much, a varied life full of creative abundance.

come closer

And now:

The production of space.

And the impossibility of indulging in a reverie that allows one to be unavailable to the world.

  • But also, it is about the idea of a noble savage.
come closer

And now, it is time

to leave the comfort zone.

That means I have to undermine my own structures. A painless farewell to convenience and abundance.

come closer

The Chapters 1-9

start here

1.1. The relevance of our actions

Every crisis turned fear into a viable trigger of action.

1.2. The moments of resistance

Emotions are the core of human experience. Whether consciously or unconsciously.

1.3. The moments of reality

Instructions to stop reciting subjective halluzinations.

1.4. The individual authorship

Our transferences are based on wrong principles.

1.5. The trap

Every imperative is a moral demand.

1.6. The moments of omission

Every behavior contains innumerable moments of omission, These are territories for making fire.

1.7. The right moment

next time

1.8. The self-portrait

Acting can not necessarily be equated with efficient, sustainable action.

1.9. Songs for dying birds


The world is disenchanted - don′t let this be true

Weber used the German word Entzauberung, translated into English as "disenchantment" but which literally means "de-magic-ation."