Suddenly you are ready, but modernity remains unfinished because society still wants to increase the spectacle?
The promise of modernity

Now - that means present, in the moment, today, but that also means suddenly

A small critique of the civilizational impasse and the lost difference between spectacle and experience.

The willingness to outrage has already greatly diminished. The familiar has become alien. Especially in the big city. The big city in the late capitalist social system is the epitome of demarcation, alienation and separation. Its inhabitants are equally disconnected from past and community. They experience, in an unmitigated form, the three fundamental coordinates of existence: finitude, loneliness, and being thrown - this is how the Invisible Committee described in 2007.

We also experienced this after the flood of the century in Germany in the summer of 2021.
In the aftermath of the heavy rain, there were flash floods and massive flooding in the affected regions, resulting in deaths and enormous damage - the images in the media touched on the great consternation. But only as long as one could secure electoral votes for it. A year later, no one is interested in the catastrophe any more.

Return to the wilderness
Small and big disasters. Every day and everywhere. Always delivered on time and always ready to be called up. This is how we have managed to synchronise our own history with the history of the world. But the progressive destruction of all historical ties and all commonalities has led to the loss of experience. Because experience is bound to community. Not to a screen. What we experience on the screen has the quality of an emotional film - it is and remains a cinematic experience.

Especially the person in the city acts symbolically according to rules and codes, but the event remains undiscovered for him. Event and experience remain separate from each other. Even the experience of time is different. Time is running faster in the cities: everyday life, environment, the circumstances in general, are changing almost every hour. Here you have no chance to live your life with your very first mindset. And this is good - theoretically.

It is simply the quality of our time.
But those changes and transformations are enforced. And that means: My attitude, my point of view, my insight is constantly overwritten. With me - or without me. It just happens. But does that make me more connected to the world?

Unfortunately, these overwritings only affect our verticality:

Going upright

The modern "I" is still working on going upright and making fire. We always say we are sitting on the ruins of previous civilisations. But today it is more than that: We are currently experiencing chaotic states of political argumentation. Without any factual justification, without any logic. And following a dangerous opportunism. And the question we have to ask ourselves is: Who is responsible for objectives today?
It is still about the division of society but it is obviously no longer about poor or rich, but about infectious or not. The world could not be any fairer.

Either way, the disagreement over how to keep the world just and habitable for all leads to entirely new, absurd and opaque strategies. All the more it becomes important to act responsibly as an individual. But the Good Life and even the search for it, is of course very complex and raises a multitude of considerations, which now, however, urgently require decisions. Because "my" life can no longer be considered as a purely private ecology.