The New Village Project
I have to change my life )

an experience

The world is disenchanted - don´t let this be true.
The sociologist Max Weber was the first to present the theory of the disenchanted world in a lecture on Science as Profession in 1917. And later, Horckheimer and Adorno examined this approach more closely...

1.1.  The relevance of our actions

(The chain of a gesture: from action to event to expercience to memory) Ecology is a science that studies how living things and the environment influence each other. They influence each other through actions. So we can say that ecology is about the interaction of actions. And let us assume in a next step that actions are active practised knowledge.
      nr.: 73.
                                                           The definition of an event in the general sense is a situation characterised by dynanism or change. The opposite of an event is a state, a situation without change or dynamics. Situations (scenarios) also take place in our head - as a vision, a dream, a memory.  Sometimes we experience a situation as a moment of calm, perhaps a bit melancolic, but it is a moment of resistance, of resilience. That is where the desire ( as a remeberance) for a Good Life can come from - as a very private ecology.

1.2.  The moments of resistance

(This is not a syntax task) Do you still have them? Those moments of restistance, those emotions of freedom and autonomy? No? This can happen nowadays. Do you manage to describe an activity in the past that was interrupted? It is not about grammar. The question is aimed at a human phenomenon: the ability to construct mental scenarios. Own realities. All realities are promises to the future, to our planet. More on this later.
When a body is strained it tries to resist that by generating internal stresses. Stress is the resistance offered by a body to an external force. When a beam bends, the concave side of the beam is under pressure and the convex side is under tension...

1.3.  The moments of reality

(The question of the origin of the world) Some say reality is what appears to our five senses. But some others say we could tweak the definition by equating reality with what appears to a sufficiently large group of people, thereby ruling out subjective hallucinations. Ok. Now we would have to clarify the difference between hallucination and vision.
Three very different writers of separate generations catch hold of life at brief moments of crisis and make the short story the art and entertainment...find the link also under archive

1.4.  The individual authorship

(The question of responsibility and the pressure to act) Science and art are about the constant unfolding and development of the establishment of authority and individual authorship. As great Eurpoean achievement  in world history, alongside the authority of the cultures and their obligations, there is also an authority and obligation of the individual.

1.5.  The trap: every imperative is a moral demand

(on functional and legitimation concepts)
Life today is an ambivalent experience and the arguments for a "good life" are a narrative of personal experiences and fictional archaeological conjectures.
But the view into the future is nervous from every perspective anyway. It changes permanently and is characterised by the uncertainty of our time. Never before has the uncertainty of time been so obviously marked by nervousness. Constantly this tension...always...everwhere...and also in this western freedom.

     listen to this for eye relaxation:    
For some time now the hypothesis of the "I" has got cracks and we all know by now that even the last ignoramus is challenged. You have to change your life! But who could say this to whom?
We have evolved from the bourgeois individual to a permanent state of self-assurance.

And our modern psyche is in the meanwhile organised in such a way that we would not allow anymore any authority to tell us that we have to do something. But some things have to be done, have to be changed...    

1.6.  The moments of omission

(This is also not a syntax task) How can you describe an activity that was not carried out at all? To do or not to do are two forms of action. Acting can not necessarily be equated with efficient, sustainable action. (Bazon Brock)

1.7.  The right moment

(Exercises for the future) Everyday life takes written texts and makes up stories, reads maps and imagines journeys, finds places and practises spaces. Everyday life is the place where we interact with the environment. This is where ecology begins.
Please note: The right moment is gone

                            Manuela Johanna Covini But culture is prescribed by nature. It defines what is possible for us humans, how we can and must act. But this dogma has yet to be understood. From the Prignitz´ Ice Age to monoculture to monopoly. Exit to the history here.

1.8.  The self-portrait

(Some instructions for forgetting) We are currently experiencing chaotic states of political argumentation. Without any factual justification, without any logic but following a dangerous opportunism. One must know what is wrong in order to orient oneself in the world. This is the importance of doubt.

1.9.  The songs for dying birds


Are you confused?
listen here (birds are flying over the Prignitz):


go directly to the chapters (not recommended)