The humanistic physics
Let´s go back.
thoughts on "aesthetic education" are a
caesura in philosophy, since the end in
itself of art is abolished in his
thoughts for the frst time. Art is now
the means to change. The poet′s basic
idea is the path to freedom via beauty,
the transformation of the "state of
necessity" into a moral "state of
The New Village Project is an experience based on the decision to live in an old house in a
lonely and abondend area. Where no one wants to live anymore, where the villages are abandoned
because the young want - and have to flee into bigger cities. The project here documents moments.
Moments of reality and imagination. Of past and tomorrow. It is about happiness and fear.
It is about the pure joy of hearing the sound of silence which is full of the busy sound of the
vibrating insects. The joy of the different colours of the sunset.
And it is the joy of smelling the wind.
Here in this wide landscape you still can see the traces of the Ice Age.