Options and methods and how our works are connected
Below is one of
the possible cross-connections between
our works - only sketchily described
The head that has already
started to eat itself is only half
visible in the digital painting by
Manuela Johanna Covini. This picture has
a similar colour play as the "new map
for orientation" by Liz Dawson. Lines
and angles can be found again in the
photography of Gabriel Santamarina.
Sofia Echeverri's shapes also have
lines, but the object in the sky in the
digital painting can be fitted into one
of the oval shapes.
What reads a
bit like Silent Mail or visual dominoes
here is intended as a first introduction
to these cross-connections between our
works. What is important to us is the
juxtaposition and interpretation of our
individual works (i.e. also the reading
of the participants' poems and texts).
For example, Thomas Zetzmann talks
about the pillars of the chakras - Sofia
also has to work with her pillar - her
air pillar - when singing. Her audios
can be compared to Nathaniel Sullivan's
singing protagonists in his videos.
Gabriel Santamarina takes up his
question of protection from hypocrisy
and the madness of the world in his
poems. But he also writes of silence,
which can be found in the digital
paintings of Manuela Johanna Covini.
And so on.
- close your eyes
- imagine a map
- sing
- look for a