It is a
six-letter word that many of us
dread. Whether it is a tense
interaction with a boss or pressure
from friends and family, we all face
stressful situations from time to
For some of us, these
events happen sporadically. For
others, daily stress is a regular
part of life.
There’s a good chance we can all
identify negative stress, but did
you know that stress can also be
Good stress, called
eustress, can actually be beneficial
to you. Unlike bad stress, or
distress, good stress can help with
motivation, focus, energy, and
performance. For some people, it can
also feel exciting.
On the
other hand, bad stress typically
causes anxiety, concern, and a
decrease in performance. It also
feels uncomfortable, and it can lead
to more serious issues if not
How do you
assess your situation? Is the glass
half full or half empty?
Did you even
recognise the drinking glasses?
Methodological foundations of
foundations of evaluationEvaluating
means linking accessible information
about an issue with personal
appreciation(s) to form a judgement
about the issue.
evaluation is not free of subjective
value attitudes, but it is not
subject to complete arbitrariness,
since it is equally dependent on
factual information.