The Individual

(like a dog without a bone)

The power of powerlessness

It is the individualisation of all conditions - of life, of work, of unhappiness, that alienates and disempowers us.

"Diffuse schizophrenia. Creeping depression. Atomisation into fine paranoid particles. Hysterisation of contact. The more I want to be me, the more I have a feeling of emptiness. The more I express myself, the more I dry up. The more I run after myself, the more exhausted I am. I run, you run, we run our "I" like a busy switch. We have become the agents of ourselves - this strange trade, the guarantors of a personalisation that ultimately resembles an amputation. In more or less hidden clumsiness, we make it to bankruptcy.
Until that happens, I manage, I get it done."
The invisible committee, The Coming Insurrection

A powerful form of action is omission. Doing nothing becomes the most important act.
 "We call on you to refrain from doing anything in your power!"
Bazon Brock, fluxus artist, Germany
(Quote from Action: Civilising Cultures, 2006-2009)


This is the crisis of Western paradigms

Our lives cannot go on as they are, but we do not know what is in store for us. The convergence of an ecological, geopolitical and democratic crisis worries and frightens. The confluence of this ecological, geopolitical and democratic crisis is disturbing and frightening. Because we see it as a big Gordian knot - we see the crisis as a whole.

It would be more advisable to tackle the things that have to do with one directly. Make the small, individual decisions.

The idea of linearity and progress is an important matrix of Western thought. Particularly crucial to the foundation of capitalism was the idea of linear time and the accompanying notion of continuous progress.


What if our thinking were receptive to complex temporal entanglements and interdependencies? In this temporality, imagination and change would each be essential components of a present that would no longer be hindered by the inert debris of the past, but where the knowledge of the past could instead live on in the now through adaptations and incorporations.

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